Daniel talks about some popular social media games, and why you may not want to participate in them.

Video Transcript:

"Hey guys, welcome back again. For this week's Tech Tip today we're going to talk about some social engineering that happens on social media.
"So when you go and sign up with a new website, a new account they usually ask you a challenge password, or banking sites will ask for your mother's maiden name. You'll pick the street you grew up on, your favorite pet, favorite color, whatever. Then on Facebook, people will pass around games - 'hey let's play this fun thing: tell me about what school you went to' or 'tell me your family history'  in a game-related way that makes it not seem intrusive.
"Really what they're gaining is all of your challenge passwords or answers,  so they can then use what they know about you and go and get into your accounts.
"Now, it's not necessarily your friends, but depending on the privacy settings you have on the social media sites - other people can see your answers and now have all of the information they need to hack your accounts.
"Be careful what you post online. Think about - is it really a game? Is this information something that I've put into a challenge password? Then what you should do is when you're setting up those challenge passwords, try to create your own or put something fake that you can remember, so you can answer the other challenges if you want on social media correctly.
"That's it for this week. Talk to you next time."